On Saturday, January 30 Brian was able to go to the airport in Santiago with a few people from our school and a local church. They sorted donated food and supplies in a small warehouse in the cargo area at the airport. Throughout the day loads of the items were prepared to ship to Haiti. The volunteers loaded seven tons of supplies onto airplanes. A few of the planes made two trips that day. The group also loaded another three to four tons on carts that would be ready to take out to planes the following day. A mission organization with ties to the United States coordinated the incoming donations, preparations of shipments, and the destination points in Haiti
Private corportations donated the use of their planes and pilots to make these relief efforts possible. Some of the pilots were from Boston, Atlanta, Vancouver, and California. Many Dominican companies donated various supplies that were sent out that day. Some of the items had also been sent from different churches and organizations in the United States. It was incredible to think about all the efforts and generous donations it took to provide this much-needed aid. While just a small part of the overall relief efforts, it was a rewarding experience knowing that we were able to help bring some hope to desperate hurting people.
Our prayers are with all.
the Ewbanks
I was so blessed seeing what the Lord is doing through you there in the DR. My wife Paula and I (Micah) have had it on our hearts to be missionaries all of our marriage and individually since we were both born again in the mid '90s. Not until brother Edward Stagl told us of a dream the Lord gave him concerning us going to the DR had we ever considered the possibility of beig missionaries there. He discipled me since I was very young, both in the Lord and in age and has always been led by God through visions and dreams. We are praying and studying to learn all we can about the people there and missions. If you feel led to share anything with us my e-mail is micahbuyno@yahoo.com We would greatly appreciate your prayers..Micah Philip Buyno
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